MOTORSPORT NEXT - Industry Innovation and Technology Transfer Global Forum

The motorsport industry got together on 30 June at Motorsport Next – Industry Innovation and Technology Transfer Global Forum. The event was part and opened Motor Valley Fest 2021.
The event is part of the agreement for the creation of a special project, signed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, ITA – Italian Trade Agency, Emilia-Romagna Region in support of the “Made in Italy” excellence, with particular focus on the automotive industry.
The idea for the first edition of Motorsport Next - Industry Innovation and Technology Transfer Global Forum, co-organized by ANFIA-Motorsport and Autopromotec, has been developed to shape an empowering message of strength and planning to the whole motorsport sector.
The digital event, on its debut on 30th June, 2021 was aimed to promote the encounter among the most important Italian companies related to the motorsport industry and national and international players of technologically-related fields, thank to the cooperation among the organizers and the collaboration with the global digital media group
The Organizers
Autopromotec, in its over fifty-year history has registered a tremendous growth, thanks to the presence of internationally renowned exhibitors, and is now considered the main European trade show gathering all automotive aftermarket product groups under one roof: from tires to car service, from workshop equipment to spare parts. Product innovations and industrial excellence, cutting edge technologies and market opportunities, high-level conventions and B2B meetings draw manufacturers and professional operators from all over the world to a venue designed to create globally oriented networks, boost business growth and collect important strategic inputs. Autopromotec is now the most specialized international exhibition of automotive equipment and aftermarket products.
ANFIA Motorsport, established in 2016, it is a section of ANFIA-Italian Association of the Automotive Industry and contains some of the leading companies operating in the sector. The Italian Motorsport sector is the second most important in Europe, after UK. Its main activities range from ANFIA's presence at several trade fairs, to the collection and sharing of statistical data specific to this sector and to the evaluation of technical regulations.
Institutional Partners
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is responsible for the State’s functions, tasks and duties in matters concerning Italy’s political, economic, social and cultural relations with other Countries. Among its institutional functions the Ministry gives support for enterprise, economic-commercial questions, promoting the “Made in Italy” brand and supporting Italian businesses abroad. Italian Economic Diplomacy is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ means for supporting the Italian business community’s internationalisation. Both the Ministry’s central Headquarters in Rome’s Farnesina Palace and its economic offices in Embassies and Consulates around the world work with “System Italy” to foster the protection, promotion, information and networking of the Italian companies abroad, in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency’s international network and other Institutions.
ITA - Italian Trade Agency is the Governmental agency that supports the business develop- ment of our companies abroad and promotes the attraction of foreign investment in Italy. With a motivated and modern organization and a widespread network of overseas offices, ITA provides information, assistance, consulting, promotion and training to Italian small and medium-sized businesses. Using the most modern multi-channel promotion and communication tools, it acts to assert the excel- lence of Made in Italy in the world.
Motor Valley Fest 2021 will take place from 1 to 4 July and is part of the agreement for the realization of a special program, signed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, ITA – Italian Trade Agency, Emilia-Romagna Region and APT Servizi Emilia-Romagna, supporting Made in Italy excellences, with particular focus of the automotive sector. Motor Valley Fest is a collective event where the most famous Motor Valley automotive brands, companies of the sector, local and national Universities will meet with the Institutions and the local authorities to share and promote new opportunities and planning. A scientific and entertaining event that values new technologies, business, motorsport, food and wine and the artistic and cultural heritage landmark of the “Made in Italy”. The event will be performed with the technical support of Association Motor Valley Development and Autopromotec.
Motor Valley Development - Non-profit Association Motor Valley Development was created to make the most of the potential of the Motor Valley area within Emilia-Romagna Region, and to create a system among important automotive brands within the area that shaped the history of the motorsport, company museums, private collections, racetracks, driving schools and motorsport event organizers.
RPM - Motorsport Professionals Network, is a network of companies founded in March 2019 in Modena. The purpose of the network is to develop and promote ltalian excellence in the performance engineering of small and medium-sized ltalian companies operating in the motorsport industry internationally. The excellence of these companies is characterised by the innate ability to innovate and accelerate innovation processes by leveraging technological research, know-how and people management content; all constantly tested by competitive challenges coming from the competition fields. These challenges generate unique know-how that can be effectively transferred in other sectors including automotive, aviation, aerospace, defense, biomedical technologies and virtual reality. is a technologically advanced international digital media group specializing in motor racing content offering 21 editions in 15 languages, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is part of the Motorsport Network company.
AICA, the Italian Garage Equipment Manufacturers Association, represents Italian garage equipment manufacturers at national and international levels. The Italian production of automotive service equipment is well-known and recognized all over the world. Italy hosts the world’s largest concentration of garage equipment manufacturers, as confirmed by the strong export trend which is estimated to involve around 69% of the production. AICA acts as a guide and link for its almost 100 member companies which represent over 80% of the overall turnover and sector professionals. AICA’s mission is to speak for and express its members’ needs, reconciling the different characteristics existing in an extremely diversified industrial scenario, where handicraft companies operate next to multi-structured business groups.
AIRP, Italian Tyre Retreaders Association, is an independent association that represents the whole tyre retreading industry in Italy. Its main goals are, among the others: to foster and follow activities in defence of industry and members; to sponsor activities support and increasing the importance of the tyre retreading industry socially, technically and economically; to defend and represent legitimate business interests with authorities, boards, public and private institutions, national and international associations.
Federpneus, Italian association of tyre dealers, is the only professional association at the service of the specialized tyre dealer. Among its main goals, there is that of representing the whole category on a national and international level, as well as providing its members any technical and information support needed to interpret the market and the laws specifically related to the activity of the category. Federpneus holds relations with the main representatives of the tyre market, it organizes conferences and technical seminars, and it publishes, along with other associations, the magazine Pneurama.