Roberto Vavassori

Chief Public Affairs & Institutional Relations Officer
Roberto Vavassori joined Brembo Spa in 1978, where he took an administrative consulting assigment. In 1986 he joined permanently Brembo Spa, where he covered different positions. Since 1995, when Brembo was listed in the Italian Stock Exchange, he worked as Investor Relator. He is now Head of Business Development & Marketing of Gruppo Brembo Spa, member of the Executive Board and President oof BSCCB. He is part of the Commission of the University Confindustria Bergamo and he is member of the Geneal Board of Confindustria. From 2012 to 2015 he was President of ANFIA, Italian Association of the Automotive Industry. From 2016 to 2020 he was President of CLEPA, European Association of Automotive Suppliers with headquarter in Brussels, which is now permanent representative for the Commission for regulatory activity in the transport sector, and that counts among its members all big European groups and transplants.